
Wednesday, 16 February 2011

2012 : What We Learned

"I'm not cynical. Just experienced"

(Just walked around central London listening to Blame It on the Boogie by the Jacksons. That is a TUNE!)

This isn't specifically geographic but i just wanted to make a short list of some things we've learned from Roland Emmerich's doomsday epic 2012:

#1 - Destruction always chases you linearly at a speed relative to the means you're trying to escape from it (on foot, by car, or plane), instead of surrounding you all at once.
#2 - If everything around you is imploding and you're the only one with any flight experience, spend as much time as you can arguing about your pilot qualifications - and then navigate a plane sideways through two crumbling buildings.
#3 - "Fancy machines" are no match for the Mayan's thousands of years of foresight.
#4 - You can walk around the Himalayan Mountains in the winter while waiting to be rescued in your LA summer clothes without even shivering.
#5 - If you think your plane is going to fall of a cliff and it doesn't, don't breath a sigh of relief until you're safely out of said plane
#6 - The Universe stops having its shit fest after 26-27 days.
#7 - If the South Pole is now where Wisconsin was, nobody seems to worry about the new meteorological conditions in South Africa and its new position.
#8 - In the brave new world, the exchange rate between young scientists and old politicians is 20 to 1.
#9 - The size of a city is directly proportional to the probability of said city to be hit by a major catastrophe.
#10 - If you need to pick something up, a super-volcanic explosion will wait for you to get it and will not harm you after it goes off.
#11 - Scientists are unable to predict the exact date of the Apocalypse but are absolutely certain that a massive tsunami will reach the Chinese mountains from a precise direction.
#12 - In any foreign country, it is possible to see the national landmark from any window from any building, as characters have decided to buy an apartment opposite to the Eiffel Tower or Big Ben.
#13 - Move to the horn of Africa.
#14 - Caravans can outrun 900mph Pyroclastic flows.
#15 - Mother Nature is allowed to destroy The Vatican, Christ the Redeemer and the Dalai Lama's residence but if she destroyed Mecca she'd be politically incorrect and suicide bombed.

That is all...

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